2025 Pinewood Derby
Event Details
Date: Sun., Feb. 23, 2025
Time: 2-3 pm Registration/ Inspection; 3 pm Races Begin
Location: Cornerstone Church Gym
Invite your family to join us for a fun afternoon of racing!
Race Day Schedule
2:00PM – 3:00 PM – Inspection / Registration
Cars will be checked for weight, length, width, clearance, BSA wheels and axles and adherence to Council rules. This takes approximately 15 min. But don’t wait until the last moment, if there is a problem you will need to fix it and then re-check in before 3:00 PM.
If your car passes inspection, you can either hang out until race time or return later.
Stickers will be applied to cars once they pass inspection.
Cars will be impounded in a holding area until race time.
3:00 PM – Races Begin!
From this point forward cars are handled only by the Pit Crew running the race.
All results will be displayed to the crowd. Cheering is encouraged; however, good sportsmanship is mandatory!
2024 Pack 51 Pinewood Derby Rules
Find Design Specifications HERE.
Remember, good sportsmanship is a core value of Scouting and the purpose of this event is to have fun! Some rules may be hard for race officials to determine and/or verify, so we trust all participants’ entries are in accordance with these rules and with the spirit of the Scout Oath & Law. Please note that there are a lot of speed techniques available online that are not allowed in the Pack 51 Pinewood Derby! Feel free to ask pack leaders any questions about the rules. Only registered & active Pack 51 Cub Scouts are allowed to race in the scout races.
Tips: (before all the technical stuff starts):
Not all cars go for ultimate speed, but if your scout would like to be competitive, then the car needs to have weight added to get as close to the 5.0 oz limit as possible. Note that cars that don’t add any weight are typically around 2.5 oz and they don’t make it to the end of the track, which isn’t very fun for the car’s owner to see.
Try to put the weight towards the rear of the car, so it sits higher up on the track at the start and will push the car more. Aim for a center of gravity about 3/4” to 1” in front of the rear axle.
FYI, the front of the car is the one with the axle further away from the end (and marked with a number this year).
Car Rules & Specifications for the Pack Races:
The axles and wheel surface must remain parallel to the track. No angled or “canted” axles are allowed. Please see separate building tips flyer for more information.
All four wheels on the car must be touch the surface of the table/track when at rest.
The maximum weight is 5.0 oz.
The rear axle must be 1” or more from the back of the block and the distance between wheels (wheelbase) must be no more than 4 3/8”. Extended or rearward-shifted wheelbases are not allowed. The blocks provided by the pack meet this rule.
The car must be new (never raced before) and made by the scout, with adult assistance.
Only cars made from the provided kits or BSA kits will be allowed. Decals and decorations can be added, but the body, axles and wheels must be made from the kit. If any of the wheels or axles are lost or broken, replacements may be purchased at Hobby Lobby or the Scout Store in Decatur.
BSA branded & trademarked colored wheels are allowed. Please note that if you desire to race at the district race, you will need BSA wheels (any color).
Wheels may only be lightly sanded only to remove any rough spots. Wheels cannot be machined to remove material, such as machining to a bevel or drilling holes in the sidewalls.
Wheel hubcaps, bearings, washers, inserts, bushings or other additions are not allowed.
Wheels and axles can be lubricated with dry graphite only.
Weights and decorations can be used, but must be firmly attached and car must remain within length, width and weight limits.
The width of the car cannot exceed 2 ¾”; the length cannot exceed 7”; the height cannot be more than 4”
Underside car clearance must be at least 3/8” or the car will drag on the guide strip or damage the braking section of the track. Please avoid mounting thick weight plates underneath the car for this reason.
Width between wheels must be at least 1 ¾”, or it will not clear the guide strip.
The car must be freewheeling and without any starting devices.
No part of the car can extend past the starting pin of the track. The car shall not ride on any type of springs.
Race Day Procedure:
Official inspection and check-in schedules will be communicated before the derby. You may check the weight on arrival and adjust as necessary.
Check-in will end 5 minutes prior to race time and no additional entries will be allowed so Pack leaders can prepare the race computer system for the race.
Once a car has passed inspection, it will be placed on the staging tables and cannot be touched by anyone until races start.
There is no re-lubrication of wheels and axles after final weigh-in or before races begin, nor before the Pack Race.
Races will not start earlier than the specified times for each rank. All cars must be entered on time.
Winners are determined by lowest combined time by the official race computer.
The top 2 cars from each rank group will enter a final elimination-style shootout to determine the final standings.
If a car leaves the track, runs out of its lane, interferes with another car, loses an axle, etc., repairs will be allowed to be made (maximum 5 minutes), and the heat will be rerun. If the same car has trouble a second time, it will be disqualified.
Winners for each class will be awarded at the end of the races in an awards ceremony. Good sportsmanship is expected!
Any other questions or problems that may arise during the course of the races will be decided upon by
Pack 51 Leadership. Our decision will be fair and final.
???? Questions ????
Contact Cubmaster Andrew Young at agy2k1@gmail.com
Car Design Inspiration
Scout Life Magazine has an incredible online resource for all things Pinewood Derby. Look for design ideas, get tips for building a fast car, and much more.