2023 Popcorn & Coffee Sale

Important Dates and Info

Order Forms due October 15

Product Delivery(Orders from Forms)- Mid November

Ways to Sell: Order Form, Online, Show and Sell

Checks Payable to: Shelbyville Lions Club Pack 51

Why Sell Popcorn and Coffee?

Pack 51 spends at least $100 per scout per year for meeting activities, Pinewood Derby, Blue and Gold, snacks, outdoor adventures, and advancements. Selling popcorn is how we avoid asking scouts to pay dues.

Paying your own way is an important principle in scouting. Selling products to cover your scouting costs is a great way to pay your way and work on social skills and manners.


We’ve set a goal of $300 in product sales for each scout. This will cover their program costs for the year. Any sales over $300 will go to cover that scout’s Cub Camp costs for next summer.

$530 in additional sales($830 total sales) will send you to camp for FREE!

How to Sell

There are three ways to sell this year- Door to Door/Orders, Online, and Show and Sell

Order Form/ Door to Door

This is the most popular method, in which Scouts sell individually by taking-orders, and collecting payment, which will be delivered at a later date. 

Wear your uniform, follow the buddy system, and ALWAYS say THANK YOU! Have a responsible Adult present, and never enter homes.

Scouts should tell the customer their popcorn will be arrive mid-November, and should be personally delivered to their doors by scouts as soon as possible.

The Adult/Scout partner should write on the order forms to avoid confusion on delivery. Always make sure to get the customer name, address, and phone number on door to door sales.

Payment is collected at the time of sale, not at delivery. All checks should be payable to: Shelbyville Lions Club Pack 51

Online Sales

Popcorn and Coffee online orders are processed through two separate websites.

Popcorn Online Sales

Direct customers HERE for online Popcorn orders.

Customers can search by scout name at the top of the popcorn page, will be prompted to search for it at check out, or can use the individual scout link included in the popcorn welcome email.

Shipping is FREE, and is a great way to sell to friends and family who live far away! Sharing a quick post with a picture or video will go a long way. Most people LOVE to support scouting!

We are in the Arrowhead District, Pack 6051 if there are multiple scouts with the same name listed.

If you do not see your scout listed or have not received a welcome email, please reach out to one of the leaders and we will get you set up online.

Coffee Sales

Direct customers HERE for online Coffee Orders.

Customers will be asked to enter the following information when purchasing:

  • District: Arrowhead

  • Unit Type: Pack

  • Unit Number: 6051

  • Scout’s Name

Show and Sell

Show and Sell is a stand or table set up at a business or prominent location to sell product on the spot- similar to how Girl Scouts sell cookies.

The dates of available show and sell opportunities will be announced on our facebook page with opportunities to sign up, and listed on our Pack Calendar.

Sales will be divided between the scouts present during the day.